elrincondelasboquillas is a website about graffiti writers around the world.

ELRINCONDELASBOQUILLAS created in 2005 is a publication entirely based on graffiti where anonymous writers from all over the world merge with each other. It is a platform about the celebration and spreading of graffiti. This is environment where the reflection of writers and restless creators converge in the common-places of this society.

In sum, a website with meticulous aesthetic and eye-catching appearance, free from restrictions and pressure, where a huge figure of graffiti writers are monthly exposed. In here you will find reference graffiti writers which a common denominator, GRAFFITI.

elrincondelasboquillas.com is a publisher committed to documenting the graffiti culture world wide. We do not condone, promote or encourage vandalism, the destruction of property or any kind of illegal activity whether it be public or private. All photos and/or videos published without a name and credited photographer were sent to us anonymously.

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